The presentation about inclusion using digital resources was really interesting to for me. My cousin is on the autism spectrum and I’ve spent a lot of time with him and can attest to the fact that technology has helped him be involed with my family. Both Tracy and Kaori have children experiencing disabilities so they were really passionate aobut the topic. I think that having a relationship with someone who is experiencing a disability helps you understand how easy it can be to more inclusive by making small adjustments. The presentation and discussion by Tracy and Kaori sparked a lot of thoughts and connects for me. Working with people who have disabilities is something that I am passionate about, and have spent a lot of time doing. The organization Power To Be is an amazing organization in Victoria that gets everyone of all abilities outdoors and experiencing nature.
While I think technology offers opportunities to make our lessons at school more inclusive, I’ve seen other ways make amazing impacts and bring people out of their shells. However, at Power To Be there are lots of different technologies in use to help people get outside. The TrailRider can help people who use a wheelchair experience some amazing hikes, I know they have been up Mt. Finlayson with it lots of times.
I took a class a couple years ago, EPHE 350, which was about how to make our physcial and health education classes more inclusive for everyone. I learned a lot and I think a lot of the tips apply to every class. Instead of having extra options/side jobs for students with disabilities, we should be making everything inherently incluisve. The main thing in PHE is always having different types of equipment availible to students, so anyone can pick what level of difficulty they would like that day. This doesn’t call out anyone with disabilities like making them use a special ball that no one else uses.